Quality • Integrity • service
Family owned and operated, servicing Southern Ocean Couty since 2012
longevity of your vehicle’s life
Auto Services
Jon Miller Car Care offers the following auto services to all clients, whether it be for an annual check-up or to address a particular malfunction.

replace your old tires
Tire Services
Whether you’re simply looking to replace your old tires, or to maintain the condition of newly installed tires, at Jon Miller Car Care.

performance and safety
Routine Maintenance
Sometimes there doesn’t need to be a problem to take your car into the mechanic. At Jon Miller Car Care, we highly recommend getting your car checked.

Jon Miller Car Care Center
Car Care Center Services
Your car’s steering and suspension system is responsible for handling the weight of your
car, keeping your car balanced, and maintaining a straight and smooth ride.

Auto Services
Jon Miller Car Care offers the following auto services to all clients, whether it be for an annual check-up or to address a particular malfunction.

Tire Services
Whether you’re simply looking to replace your old tires, or to maintain the condition of newly installed tires, at Jon Miller Car Care.

Repairs and Replacements
No matter how well you take care of your vehicle, certain parts are bound to wear out over time.

Routine Maintenance
Sometimes there doesn’t need to be a problem to take your car into the mechanic. At Jon Miller Car Care, we highly recommend getting your car checked.
Jon Miller Car Care Center
From Our Clients
Jon Miller Car Care Center
Tires keep your car in motion. Unfortunately this means that day after day your tires are exposed to inevitable wear and tear. At Jon Miller Car Care, we specialize in installing new tires and in maintaining the condition of your current tires to give you the best ride possible.
Our Waiting room is clean and comfortable. Leather bound chairs, Flat Screen TV, Keurig Coffee Machine, FREE WI-FI, Central Air Conditioning, a play area for the little ones, and vending machines for snacks and sodas are just some of the features. Our bathrooms are fully handicap accessible and sanitary.
The Service Writers are respectful, and treat you like a family member. We will speak to you clearly, and not use “big words” to intimidate you into a repair you might not need or want. We will make sure your budget is respected and your repairs are prioritized to your financial needs.
Jon Miller Car Care Center
Our equipment is all state of the art
Whether it be for an annual check-up or to address a particular malfunction. Keeping the parts of your car intact and running smoothly is so important in lengthening the longevity.
Don’t let even the smallest of concerns go unnoticed when it comes to your brakes. Having the ability to stop can be the difference between an accident and a safe drive.
Transmission fluid protects the gears of your car’s transmission, preventing any wear and tear or slipping when shifting gears. In order to maintain a healthy and working transmission.
Your car’s electrical system is a hub for all sorts of functions in your car, from starting the engine to turning on your headlights. At Jon Miller Car Care.
Car fluids keep your car running smoothly. They include transmission fluid, brake fluid, coolant fluid, power steering fluid, and engine oil. Without clean fluid and proper levels of fluids.
We recommend an oil change every 3,000 to 5,000 miles on your vehicle. This ensures both clean oil and adequate amounts of oil in your car. Without proper oil levels.
Your Car’s Heating or Cooling System
We promise speedy and reliable service, Contact today at 609-296-4400
Jon Miller Car Care